Nikhita & Jay celebrated their wedding celebrations in their home in Gerrard’s Cross. I love shooting home Indian Weddings as it gives such a warm feeling and well hey there’s no place like home! The Jaan set off from down the road and the groom’s party danced all the way to the house with flares lit up. The theme was white and the Mandap was elegantly placed at the back of the garden with a backdrop of what felt like a forest. There was a lot of emotion at the wedding and had the most amazing time capturing it all. The ceremony was beautifully conducted by Kamal Pandey. After the ceremony we made use of the mandap and the stunning backdrop for portraits which was then followed by the Vidai. We organised the Vidai so that Nikhita walked out the front door accompanied by her brother. She then greeted her family before leaving her home. Wishing them both all the best for their journey together. Enjoy viewing the images.